
  • Travelerslookingforlodging.TheythenfoundtheMelatiInnandbecamegueststhere.Untilonedaytheyrealizedthatifthey…
  • Yanto ask his friends to help him save his girlfriend that been kidnapped by a group of professional mobst…
  • 在这个家庭中,父母辛勤挣钱只为问心无愧地生活,三名年轻女儿则各自经历成长的问题。
  • Yanto ask his friends to help him save his girlfriend that been kidnapped by a group of professional mobst…
  •   CATCHPLAY+影音平台8月將帶來首部跨國自製的原創作品《惡靈旅店》(Losmen Melati),集結台灣、印尼和新加坡…
  • Travelers looking for lodging. They then found the Melati Inn and became guests there. Until one day they …
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