
  • 走在大街上熙熙攘攘的人群中,艾伦(科尔·豪瑟 Cole Hauser 饰)无法掩饰自己的失意与沮丧,除了为老板勤勤恳恳…
  • Brian quickly falls in love with a woman, and after receiving devastating news regarding her cancer diagno…
  • 影片改编自苏珊·斯卡夫·梅瑞尔小说,背景设置在上世纪60年代,讲述了一对年轻夫妇(勒曼、杨饰)搬去与美国哥特惊…
  • A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what’s on the other side. Th…
  • 某年某月,沉睡超过三百年的冰岛拉基火山爆发,造成超过六百万人丧生,而随之喷出的火山灰席卷英伦乃至欧洲大陆,…
  • Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night…
  •   这是一个机器人的故事。机器人的等级取决于制造的材料,由铜制造的罗德尼是机器人中最卑微的。但罗德尼天生并…
  •   A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to se…
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