
  • 艾玛和大卫结婚7年,共同照顾两个孩子,生活虽然平淡,但是还算幸福,大卫却感觉艾玛似乎总是心事重重。为了庆祝…
  • In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament a…
  • The idealistic teacher Ghani loses his principles during an intense day, when he barricades the students i…
  • Uncovered secrets, dirty politics and a good bit of murder drive forward Emilis Vėlyvis’ The Generation of…
  • 《热恋慢慢来》(Slow)探讨鲜少被关注的无性恋者世界,在一场听障学生的舞蹈课,豪放的现代舞者艾莲娜对手语翻译…
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